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Tuesday, 28 March 2017

Taat akan ALLAH

Assalamualaikum, mulakan hari kita dengan niat kerana Allah. Mulakan sesuatu perkerjaan dengan kalimah yang indah seperti BISMILLAH sesungguhnya Allah kan permudahkan urusan kita di muka bumi ini. 

Alangkah ruginya kita apabila masa hidup di dunia telah diberikan peluang oleh Allah SWT kita mensia siakan umur kita nerlalu begitu sahaja sedangkan kita tidak menggunakan sepenuhnya untuk manfaat kehidupan dihari akhirat nanti. 

Sebagaimana di dalam hadis Rasululluh SAW yang bermaksud ; "Tidak berganjak kedua-dua kaki seorang hamba pada hari kiamat sehingga ia disoal mengenai umurnya pada perkara apakah ia habiskan, ilmunya untuk apakah ia gunakan, harta bendanya dari manakah ia peroleh dan pada apakah ia belanjakan, mengenai tentang tubuh badannya pada perkara apakah ia susutkan kemudian serta kecergasannya".

Jadi kita sebagai umat islam yang sejati haruslah menggunakan peluang yang diberi Allah untuk menunaikan segala suruhan-Nya dan meninggalkan segala larang-Nya untuk menunjukkan bahawa kita taat kepada pencipta kita iaitu Allah SWT.   

Sebagai umat Islam yang sejati kita haruslah taat terhadap perintah Allah agar kita dapat syafaat-Nya di akhirat kelak nanti. Terdapat beberapa contoh amalan yang boleh kita taat terhadap pencipta kita. 

Antaranya solat lima waktu sehari semalam, solat merupakan perintah Allah yang paling utama yang telah diwahyukan oleh Allah kepada Rasulullah SAW secara langsung atau terus tanpa perantaraan Jibril a.s. seperti mana yang telah kita ketahui di dalam peristiwa Isra' dan Mikraj. Ini memberi petunjuk yang begitu jelas bahawa ibadah solat adalah ibadah yang amat penting sehingga Allah Taala mengangkat Rasululluh SAW sendiri kelangit untuk mengambil kefardhuan solat seumpama seorang ketua memanggil pekerjanya ke dalam bilik untuk memberikan tugasan yang amat penting. selain itu, solat juga penting bagi umat islam yang sejati ini kerana di akhirat kita akan disoal tentang solat terlebih dahulu. 

Selain itu, menuntut ilmu, mengajarkannya dan mengamalkan ilmu tersebut. Islam mewajibkan kita menuntut ilmu fardhu kifayah yang memberi manfaat dan berguna untuk kita dalam hal-hal yang berhubungan dengan kehidupan kita di dunia, agar tiap-tiap muslim tidak dikategorikan sebagai terbelakangan dan agar setiap muslim dapat mengikuti perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan yang dapat membawa kemajuan bagi penghuni dunia ini dalam batas-batas yang diredai Allah SWT. Ilmu yang dimiliki perlu disampaikan dan disebarkan kepada semua manusia supaya dapat dimanfaatkan dan sebagai saham dan pahala yang berterusan.

Tuesday, 14 March 2017


         Today, I want to talk about WEBSITES. Do you know the WEBSITES? There are five of types  of WEBSITE. 

 For Example:  
4.Online social Network
5.Business                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       1)  Now I want to explain the PORTAL. PORTAL is a web site that offers variety of Internet services from single convenient location. The most portals offer free services is Search engine, news, sports or weather, web publishing, and reference tools.
Other than that, almost portals have online 
communities. Online communities is join a specific group of people with similar interests or relationships.There also promote their online photo albums, chat rooms, and other services to facilitate communication among members.For the example of the portals is popular portals such as Yahoo! ,  MSN, iGOOGLE, AOL and other than that. 

2) After that, is a BLOG. BLOG is an informal websites consisting of time-stamped articles, or posts in a diary or journal format, usually listed in reverse chronological order. BLOG have become an important means of world wide communications such as businesses create blogs to communicate with employees, customers and vendors. After that, home users create blogs to share aspects of their personal life with family, friends and others. For example of blog I give you a pictures to make you more understanding. 

3)WIKI is the one of websites. WIKI is a type of collaborative web site that allows users to create, add to, modify, or delete the web site content via a browser. WIKI is a also can open to modification by the general public. WIKI and BLOG have their difference. The difference is that users cannot modify original posts made by the blogger. For the examples of WIKI is WIKIPEDIA.

4) It is ONLINE SOCIAL NETWORK. A website that encourages members in its online community to share their interests, ideas, stories, photos, music, and videos with other registered user(THAT IS MEANINGS OF ONLINE NETWORK). ONLINE SOCIAL NETWORK is also called a social networking websites. There are the popular social networking websites include such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 


5) Last but not least, BUSINESS it is also the types of websites. BUSINESS is a website contains content that promotes or sells products or services. The business website contains is content that increases brand awareness and to provide company background or other information. There are the examples of the business websites such as - Etiqa Takaful Company, Kraft Food Inc, and LAZADA. 

Tuesday, 7 March 2017


Today, I want to talk about internet services. Do you know the internet services.

In internet services we can only know about WWW, E-mail, Instant Messaging, VoIP, Message Board and FTP. 

First of all, I want to talk about WWW. WWW is means is a world wide collection of electronic documents (web pages).Web pages which can contain text, graphics, animation, audio, and video. Web pages usually have built-in connections to other documents. Not a real time. In WWW , we also can know about website, webserver, and web 2.0.

Other than that, an E-mail is also important in internet services. E-mail is the transmission of message and files via a computer network. in E-mail we can know the consist of simple text or can contain attachments, such as documents, graphic, or audio or video clips. Some Web sites such as MSN Hotmail and Yahoo! provide free E-mail services. What is an E-mail address? . An E-mail address is combination of a user name and a domain name that identifies the user. For example ;

Other than that, is INSTANT MESSAGING. Instant Messaging defines as a real-time internet communications service that notifies you when one or more your established contacts are online an then allows you to exchange messages or files or join a private chat room with them. Some Instant Messaging services support voice and video conversations but many Instant Messaging services also can alert you to information such as calendar, appointments, stock quotes, weather, or, sports scores. There are the populor Instant Messaging software includes such as AIM(AOL Instant Messenger), Facebook messenger, Google talk, MySpace IM, Yahoo! Messenger and other.  

And the next like that picture. It is VoIP. VoIP is a conversations that takes place over the Internet using a telephone connected to a computer, mobile device, or other device. It function is enables users to speak to other users via Internet connection and to connect a calling party to one or more local or long distance called parties. For the example, Skype, WeChat, and Kakao Talk. 

Message Board is the one of internet services. Message Board is an online area in which users have written discussion about a particular subject. 

Last but not least, is FTP. Internet standard that permits file uploading and downloading with other computers on the internet. The example for FTP programs are FileZilla, AbleFtp, and SmartFTP. For the uploading is the process of transferring files from your computer or mobile device to a serve on the internet and for the downloading is the process of transferring files from a server on the internet to your computer or mobile device.