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Tuesday, 28 February 2017



here i am to share the tips how to be excellent student......

It is undeniable that every student must have a desire to excel in exams. This excellence can only be achieved if students work hard to achieve it. Excellence in the examination is not something that is very difficult to achieve if the students themselves have the will and strong determination to achieve it. However, in the search for a fast-moving globalization as an eel's tail diketil there are still some students who still do not emphasize academic excellence because they lulled asleep by the culture of hedonism. They are more concerned with fun and entertainment than education. The students should not consider this a trivial or easy because the results can guarantee a student's future brighter. Therefore, students do not regret it in the future because you can not get good results in examinations if kept ignoring lessons, like the elders said, contrite before income, then useless regrets . The question is, what are the steps that should be undertaken to achieve excellence in a student?

1.Make your classes your highest priority.

If you've got children, I understand that this isn't always possible. Children should always come first. But if you don't show up for your classes, you're not getting that education we discussed in No. 1.
Make sure you've got a good plan for you're scheduled to be in class, and when you need to study. It really is possible to raise children while you're going to school. People do it every day.

2.Sit in the Front Row

If you happen to be shy, sitting in the front row can be very uncomfortable at first, but I promise you, it's one of the best ways to pay attention to everything being taught. You can hear better. You can see everything on the board without having to crane your neck around the head in front of you.

You can make eye contact with the professor. Don't underestimate the power of this. If your teacher knows you're really listening and that you care about what you're learning, he or she will be extra willing to help you. Besides, it'll feel like you've got your own private teacher.

3. Ask Questions

Ask questions immediately if you don't understand something. If you're in the front row and have been making eye contact, your instructor probably already knows by the look on your face that you don't understand something. A polite raising of your hand is all you need to do to indicate you've got a question.

If it isn't appropriate to interrupt, make a quick note of your question so you don't forget, and ask later.
Having said this, don't make a pest of yourself. Nobody wants to hear you ask a question every 10 minutes. If you're completely lost, make an appointment to see your teacher after class.

4.Create a Study Space

Carve out a place at home that is your study space. If you've got a family around you, make sure everyone understands that when you're in that space, you're not to be interrupted unless the house is on fire.

Create a space that helps you make the most of your study time. Do you need absolute quiet or do you prefer to have loud music playing? Do you like working at the kitchen table in the midst of everything or do you a quiet room with the door shut? Know your own style and create the space you need.

5.Do All the Work, Plus More

Do your homework. Read the assigned pages, and then some. Plug your topic into the Internet, grab another book at the library, and see what else you can learn about the subject.

Turn your work in on time. If extra credit work is offered, do that too.I know this takes time, but it'll ensure you really know your stuff.

I hope this post would give little a bit of ideas how to be exellect student.
