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Tuesday, 28 March 2017

Taat akan ALLAH

Assalamualaikum, mulakan hari kita dengan niat kerana Allah. Mulakan sesuatu perkerjaan dengan kalimah yang indah seperti BISMILLAH sesungguhnya Allah kan permudahkan urusan kita di muka bumi ini. 

Alangkah ruginya kita apabila masa hidup di dunia telah diberikan peluang oleh Allah SWT kita mensia siakan umur kita nerlalu begitu sahaja sedangkan kita tidak menggunakan sepenuhnya untuk manfaat kehidupan dihari akhirat nanti. 

Sebagaimana di dalam hadis Rasululluh SAW yang bermaksud ; "Tidak berganjak kedua-dua kaki seorang hamba pada hari kiamat sehingga ia disoal mengenai umurnya pada perkara apakah ia habiskan, ilmunya untuk apakah ia gunakan, harta bendanya dari manakah ia peroleh dan pada apakah ia belanjakan, mengenai tentang tubuh badannya pada perkara apakah ia susutkan kemudian serta kecergasannya".

Jadi kita sebagai umat islam yang sejati haruslah menggunakan peluang yang diberi Allah untuk menunaikan segala suruhan-Nya dan meninggalkan segala larang-Nya untuk menunjukkan bahawa kita taat kepada pencipta kita iaitu Allah SWT.   

Sebagai umat Islam yang sejati kita haruslah taat terhadap perintah Allah agar kita dapat syafaat-Nya di akhirat kelak nanti. Terdapat beberapa contoh amalan yang boleh kita taat terhadap pencipta kita. 

Antaranya solat lima waktu sehari semalam, solat merupakan perintah Allah yang paling utama yang telah diwahyukan oleh Allah kepada Rasulullah SAW secara langsung atau terus tanpa perantaraan Jibril a.s. seperti mana yang telah kita ketahui di dalam peristiwa Isra' dan Mikraj. Ini memberi petunjuk yang begitu jelas bahawa ibadah solat adalah ibadah yang amat penting sehingga Allah Taala mengangkat Rasululluh SAW sendiri kelangit untuk mengambil kefardhuan solat seumpama seorang ketua memanggil pekerjanya ke dalam bilik untuk memberikan tugasan yang amat penting. selain itu, solat juga penting bagi umat islam yang sejati ini kerana di akhirat kita akan disoal tentang solat terlebih dahulu. 

Selain itu, menuntut ilmu, mengajarkannya dan mengamalkan ilmu tersebut. Islam mewajibkan kita menuntut ilmu fardhu kifayah yang memberi manfaat dan berguna untuk kita dalam hal-hal yang berhubungan dengan kehidupan kita di dunia, agar tiap-tiap muslim tidak dikategorikan sebagai terbelakangan dan agar setiap muslim dapat mengikuti perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan yang dapat membawa kemajuan bagi penghuni dunia ini dalam batas-batas yang diredai Allah SWT. Ilmu yang dimiliki perlu disampaikan dan disebarkan kepada semua manusia supaya dapat dimanfaatkan dan sebagai saham dan pahala yang berterusan.

Tuesday, 14 March 2017


         Today, I want to talk about WEBSITES. Do you know the WEBSITES? There are five of types  of WEBSITE. 

 For Example:  
4.Online social Network
5.Business                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       1)  Now I want to explain the PORTAL. PORTAL is a web site that offers variety of Internet services from single convenient location. The most portals offer free services is Search engine, news, sports or weather, web publishing, and reference tools.
Other than that, almost portals have online 
communities. Online communities is join a specific group of people with similar interests or relationships.There also promote their online photo albums, chat rooms, and other services to facilitate communication among members.For the example of the portals is popular portals such as Yahoo! ,  MSN, iGOOGLE, AOL and other than that. 

2) After that, is a BLOG. BLOG is an informal websites consisting of time-stamped articles, or posts in a diary or journal format, usually listed in reverse chronological order. BLOG have become an important means of world wide communications such as businesses create blogs to communicate with employees, customers and vendors. After that, home users create blogs to share aspects of their personal life with family, friends and others. For example of blog I give you a pictures to make you more understanding. 

3)WIKI is the one of websites. WIKI is a type of collaborative web site that allows users to create, add to, modify, or delete the web site content via a browser. WIKI is a also can open to modification by the general public. WIKI and BLOG have their difference. The difference is that users cannot modify original posts made by the blogger. For the examples of WIKI is WIKIPEDIA.

4) It is ONLINE SOCIAL NETWORK. A website that encourages members in its online community to share their interests, ideas, stories, photos, music, and videos with other registered user(THAT IS MEANINGS OF ONLINE NETWORK). ONLINE SOCIAL NETWORK is also called a social networking websites. There are the popular social networking websites include such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 


5) Last but not least, BUSINESS it is also the types of websites. BUSINESS is a website contains content that promotes or sells products or services. The business website contains is content that increases brand awareness and to provide company background or other information. There are the examples of the business websites such as - Etiqa Takaful Company, Kraft Food Inc, and LAZADA. 

Tuesday, 7 March 2017


Today, I want to talk about internet services. Do you know the internet services.

In internet services we can only know about WWW, E-mail, Instant Messaging, VoIP, Message Board and FTP. 

First of all, I want to talk about WWW. WWW is means is a world wide collection of electronic documents (web pages).Web pages which can contain text, graphics, animation, audio, and video. Web pages usually have built-in connections to other documents. Not a real time. In WWW , we also can know about website, webserver, and web 2.0.

Other than that, an E-mail is also important in internet services. E-mail is the transmission of message and files via a computer network. in E-mail we can know the consist of simple text or can contain attachments, such as documents, graphic, or audio or video clips. Some Web sites such as MSN Hotmail and Yahoo! provide free E-mail services. What is an E-mail address? . An E-mail address is combination of a user name and a domain name that identifies the user. For example ;

Other than that, is INSTANT MESSAGING. Instant Messaging defines as a real-time internet communications service that notifies you when one or more your established contacts are online an then allows you to exchange messages or files or join a private chat room with them. Some Instant Messaging services support voice and video conversations but many Instant Messaging services also can alert you to information such as calendar, appointments, stock quotes, weather, or, sports scores. There are the populor Instant Messaging software includes such as AIM(AOL Instant Messenger), Facebook messenger, Google talk, MySpace IM, Yahoo! Messenger and other.  

And the next like that picture. It is VoIP. VoIP is a conversations that takes place over the Internet using a telephone connected to a computer, mobile device, or other device. It function is enables users to speak to other users via Internet connection and to connect a calling party to one or more local or long distance called parties. For the example, Skype, WeChat, and Kakao Talk. 

Message Board is the one of internet services. Message Board is an online area in which users have written discussion about a particular subject. 

Last but not least, is FTP. Internet standard that permits file uploading and downloading with other computers on the internet. The example for FTP programs are FileZilla, AbleFtp, and SmartFTP. For the uploading is the process of transferring files from your computer or mobile device to a serve on the internet and for the downloading is the process of transferring files from a server on the internet to your computer or mobile device. 

Tuesday, 28 February 2017


Today, I want to talk about football. Nowadays, all peoples like to see football game but they don't know how their rules, how to play and another. So I want to share that my experience when I play football with my team in 5 years.

First step you must know how many players can play in one games. Only 11 player in one team and another 11 player in another team will play in one games. In a 11 player that play in one games they must know that their formation. Not every player in the team is have the same formotion when play in a one games. There is formotion that I know goalkepper, defender, midfielder and forward. 
  • Goalkepper position

  • Defender position

  • MIdfielder position
  • Forward position

There is where that the 11 player have play in their formotion



here i am to share the tips how to be excellent student......

It is undeniable that every student must have a desire to excel in exams. This excellence can only be achieved if students work hard to achieve it. Excellence in the examination is not something that is very difficult to achieve if the students themselves have the will and strong determination to achieve it. However, in the search for a fast-moving globalization as an eel's tail diketil there are still some students who still do not emphasize academic excellence because they lulled asleep by the culture of hedonism. They are more concerned with fun and entertainment than education. The students should not consider this a trivial or easy because the results can guarantee a student's future brighter. Therefore, students do not regret it in the future because you can not get good results in examinations if kept ignoring lessons, like the elders said, contrite before income, then useless regrets . The question is, what are the steps that should be undertaken to achieve excellence in a student?

1.Make your classes your highest priority.

If you've got children, I understand that this isn't always possible. Children should always come first. But if you don't show up for your classes, you're not getting that education we discussed in No. 1.
Make sure you've got a good plan for you're scheduled to be in class, and when you need to study. It really is possible to raise children while you're going to school. People do it every day.

2.Sit in the Front Row

If you happen to be shy, sitting in the front row can be very uncomfortable at first, but I promise you, it's one of the best ways to pay attention to everything being taught. You can hear better. You can see everything on the board without having to crane your neck around the head in front of you.

You can make eye contact with the professor. Don't underestimate the power of this. If your teacher knows you're really listening and that you care about what you're learning, he or she will be extra willing to help you. Besides, it'll feel like you've got your own private teacher.

3. Ask Questions

Ask questions immediately if you don't understand something. If you're in the front row and have been making eye contact, your instructor probably already knows by the look on your face that you don't understand something. A polite raising of your hand is all you need to do to indicate you've got a question.

If it isn't appropriate to interrupt, make a quick note of your question so you don't forget, and ask later.
Having said this, don't make a pest of yourself. Nobody wants to hear you ask a question every 10 minutes. If you're completely lost, make an appointment to see your teacher after class.

4.Create a Study Space

Carve out a place at home that is your study space. If you've got a family around you, make sure everyone understands that when you're in that space, you're not to be interrupted unless the house is on fire.

Create a space that helps you make the most of your study time. Do you need absolute quiet or do you prefer to have loud music playing? Do you like working at the kitchen table in the midst of everything or do you a quiet room with the door shut? Know your own style and create the space you need.

5.Do All the Work, Plus More

Do your homework. Read the assigned pages, and then some. Plug your topic into the Internet, grab another book at the library, and see what else you can learn about the subject.

Turn your work in on time. If extra credit work is offered, do that too.I know this takes time, but it'll ensure you really know your stuff.

I hope this post would give little a bit of ideas how to be exellect student.


Tuesday, 7 February 2017


Assalamualaikum w.b.t
Today, I want to talk about the "STRIVE TO SUCCESS"



  -Helping others regardiess of what's in it for you, exceeding expectations and going that extra mile wile expect you apart from others. Learn to look at every situation in terms of the value you can add to that situation. Do thing faster,better, and even more cheerfully for everyone in your life.

  -Half-hearted attempts will ultimately show up as mediocrity. Make what you do part of your daily life, part of who you are. Seek out those things you can get passionate about and use them to create excellent in your life. 
  -Also be totally committed to what you do, as excellence is only possible only with commitment . Ether find a way to become fully committed to what you're doing or find something else to do. Once  totally committed you will be able to work around obstacies. Again, i refer you back to my example  of not getting started with blogging.
   The moment I got committed , I found ways of learning quickly what needed to be done - and I also found the right people to help me, Asking for help was another major breakthrough for me- and thats a story for another time.

  -A life of excellent comes from continually making a contribute. You can't save the whole world single handedly , and we can't all be better or best, but you can certainly make a difference one person at a time. So look for ways to contribute.

 -The person you become in the pursuit of your dream is worth far more than the achievement of that dream
 -Aim high and push to be your absolute best, and then go even beyond that- you are capable of far more than you think.
 -At the same time, be realistic - don't set your sights so high that you have no way of reaching your goal.

 -Many time a job remains unfinished as the initial excitement about starting the news job wanes, but   just add more effort to finish it will bring big results. Conversely, start only what you know you can   finish.
-Also, do it right the first time and save yourself a lot of time in not having to go back and fix it later.


 -Plan your time so that you can give each task its due undivided attention. Block out any distractions   such as TV, mobile phone , emails and so on. Ask your self. What is important, your goal or the


  -Only by being in top physical and mental state can you have the energy ,drive and vitality to excel.Take regular breaks- work diligently whilst you are at it, but after that put it aside. Have a regularvacations and use that time to reflect on bringing even more excellent into your life

Tuesday, 31 January 2017

Tuesday, 24 January 2017

What is NETWORK???

To day, I want to talk about NETWORK.....

What is NETWORK; 

Network is a collection of of computers and devices connected together via communication devices and transmission media .
Usually , the connections between computers in a network are made using physical wires or cables .
Example of NETWORK
Network Architecture is the configuration of computers , devices , and media on a network .

Categories of network architecture:
  • Client/Server Network 
  • Peer-to-Peer network
A network topology refers to the layout of the computers and devices in a communications network .

It refers to both the physical and logical layout of a network .
  • Physical Topology - the physical layout of nodes , workststions and cables in the network .
  • Logical Topology  - The path that data travels between computers on a network .
Types of network topology
  • Bus Network Topology - A bus network consists of a single central cable (backbone) , to which all computers and other dev
  • Star Network Topology - All the computers and devices (nodes)on the network connect to a central devices , thus forming a star.
  • Ring Network Topology - On a ring network , a cable forms a closed loop (ring) with all computers and devices arranged along the ring .
  • Local Area Network ( LAN ) :local area network (LAN) is a network that connects computers and devices in a limited geographical area .
  • Metropolitan Area Network ( MAN ) : A metropolitan area network (MAN) is a high-speed network that connects local area networks in a metropolitan area 
  • Wide Area Network  ( WAN ) : A wide area network (WAN) is a network that covers a large geographic area (such as city , country , or the world ) using a variety of wired and wireless transmission media .

Tuesday, 17 January 2017




I am now further studying at Kolej Matrikulasi Pahang in Gambang. I was offered One Year Program in Science. I was a bit stumped because all of my friends who also went to matriculation got the One Year Program.

At first, I accepted the offer because I have nowhere else to go. I got an offer to UiTM in Dip. Science Computer but it's not on my top 5 request list (UPU). I wasn't very positive about it, but seeing as my parents wearing their happy face, what's I got to do in KMPh?

So here I am. My destiny is here. God has set my life, learning and living in this place. Here in this institution is the start of my destiny. I can't and will not question His will. 

"Apabila kita redha pada sesuatu yang mengecewakan hati kita, maka percayalah Allah akan menggantikan kekecewaan itu dengan sesuatu yang tidak dijangka." -- Tazkirah Jumaat.

My aim in my life, is to achieve success and be a person who can contribute to the society. Before that, I will achieve 4-flat (insyaAllah) and most importantly make my parents proud. Going into this institution is my second chance. I got no other. I will try my absolute best. That is my aim.

" Doa itu menandakan bahawa kita ini hamba yang sangat kecil. Dengan berdoalah kita dapat apa yang kita mahu. Bila kita berjaya mengejar akhirat dengan jayanya maka perkara-perkara di dunia akan mengikuti kita dengan cemerlang. Maka berdoalah untuk mendapat kejayaan didunia dan diakhirat. Saya mengingatkan diri saya dan pembaca blog ini agar teros berdoa untuk mendapatkan kejayaan"